Author: MJ
Software Education in India
As India marches towards becoming a $5T economy, software products and services continue to be critical to this achievement. However, our desire to be a product development and manufacturing nation is predicated on large-scale availability of engineers with strong product skills. These are the graduating students and early career engineers who will fuel the startup…
Product management education in India
When I talk of Product Management, I am focused on product managers in technology companies, even though product managers are found in all types of non-technology companies. While some of the discussion here applies to them, I do not claim to know enough about those product managers and their education needs. In India, almost every…
Onboarding challenges of novice engineers
Introduction Modern SaaS B2B products are large, distributed, complex systems. They operate at the scale of millions of users and have complex workflows, many personas, and a comprehensive set of configurations that control the workflows. To serve these millions of users, the products must address various architectural concerns like performance, availability, reliability, and security while…
विमानों में स्ट्रेचर मरीजों के लिए एक मार्गदर्शिका (भारत)
(Original in English can be found here) परिचय लंबी दूरी तक एक बिस्तर पर पड़े मरीज को आपातकालीन चिकित्सा देखभाल के लिए कैसे ले जाया जा सकता है? यह सवाल हमारे सामने आया जब हमें अगस्त 2023 में अपनी माँ को झारखंड के एक छोटे शहर (बोकारो स्टील सिटी) से हैदराबाद अपोलो में रीढ़ की…
A guide to stretcher patients in aircrafts (India)
How do we move a bedridden patient long distances for emergency medical care? This post guides you to doing this without getting stressed out.
Engineer, Developer, Coder, Programmer – What is in a name?
Developers in software companies are referred by different names. Does the distinction matter? Does it matter that the engineering graduates are called software engineers but they are at best novice technicians?
Why do so many product startups fail to build a scalable product team?
How do we understand the complexity of our organizations? Do we realize that unless we see it as a whole, any change effort is likely to be futile? One way to do such a holistic thinking is to apply systems view to our organizations.
Build self-sufficient units of habitat
It wasn’t really healthcare system in that failed us in COVID-19. It is the broader ecosystem which didn’t function under that unprecedented onslaught.
Elderly care in India
Senior citizens % of population is growing much faster than working population %. Elderly care solutions require social engineering. Are we doing it?
Small actions, big impacts
Seemingly small things can have an outsized impact and this was made clear to me in my interview with eighteen new campus hires of SaaS product companies.